A downloadable tool for Windows and Linux
V-Optimizer is a tool that allows you to optimize your voxel creations, so that they are ready for games. You can find it's source code on Github.
This tools supports different voxel file formats, so that you don't need to convert them. This means that you can load, for example, your voxel models from MagicaVoxel and export them as GLTF file. For a list of all supported formats, see Supported formats.
There are several meshing algorithms that convert a voxel model to a vertex-based 3D model, that is suitable for games.
This algorithm generates a quad for each visible voxel face. As a result, it creates a lot of vertices, which makes it more suitable for 3D artists who want to modify the mesh in 3D software like Blender.
Greedy groups all visible faces of the same type(material, color) into one large quad. As result, you get low-poly models which are perfect for games.
Textured (Beta)
Greedy groups all visible faces of the same material into one large quad. This algorithm can result in less vertices, than the normal Greedy, because faces are colored using a texture. As result, you get low-poly models which are perfect for games.
Marching cubes
Marching cubes creates a more softer mesh which is less cubic, but it creates also a lot of vertices.
There are two versions of this tool. One is the graphical tool that can preview the mesh and only load one voxel file at a time. The other is the command line tool which allows you to batch convert all of your voxel files to any of the supported output formats.
If there are any issues or missing feature, please don't hesitate to provide your feedback in the comment section or on Github and help make the tool even better.
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Supported formats
Voxel formats
- MagicaVoxel files (.vox)
- Goxel files (.gox)
- Kenshape files (.kenshape) (All blocks are converted into cubes)
- Qubicle project files (.qbcl)
- Qubicle binary files (.qb)
- Qubicle binary tree files (.qbt)
- Qubicle exchange files (.qef)
- More in the future
Ouput formats
- Wavefront Obj (.obj)
- GLTF (.glb, .gltf)
- Sprites stacking (.png)
- Godot scene (.escn)
- Stanford (.ply)
- FBX (.fbx)
- More in the future
The graphical application was created with Godot. It's written in gdscript and C++ for the glue between the voxel library, also written in C++, and gdscript. The command line tool is also written in C++.
Install instructions
Just extract the archive file and start the V-Optimizer application.
Development log
- Devlog #1: SpeedAug 28, 2024
- Version 0.1.3-AlphaFeb 11, 2024
- Version 0.1.2-AlphaFeb 02, 2024
- Version 0.1.0-Alpha FBXJan 27, 2024
- Version 0.0.9-AlphaNov 27, 2023
- V-Optimizer now open sourceNov 24, 2023
- Version 0.0.5-AlphaDec 20, 2021
- Version 0.0.4-AlphaNov 21, 2021